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What is the International Baccalaureate? What teaching methodology inspires it? And what role does the English language play in it? Chiara Traversi, School Director of the International School of Bergamo, tried answering these questions with the help of Carlotta De Chirico, a psychologist expert in effective learning techniques, both guests of the Corriere Scuola TV studios.


From a course of study born in the 60s to ensure educational continuity for expat families, today the IB has evolved hand in hand with the changing needs and society. Those who choose this curriculum become part of a real global educational community that brings together over 5,500 schools and nearly 2 million students. Each of them faces the same challenges and enjoys the same benefits, in a context that embraces 160 countries of the world and whose common denominator is the Inquiry Based Learning methodology. That is, a pedagogical approach based on investigation, which stimulates the formulation of questions and actions to solve problems and understand phenomena.

In such an enviroment - explained Chiara Traversi - English does not have the simple role of vehicular language, but is transformed into a formidable tool of communication - and inclusion - which crosses borders and opens up infinite possibilities. In a word, it offers every pupil the freedom to face future personal and professional choices without limits.

In the IB program, therefore, English is understood not as a simple "skill" aimed at finding competitive work, but also as a means of individual growth.

Furthermore, the child who is placed early in a bilingual context develops mechanisms of assimilation and learning that remain forever and which are also decisive in his cognitive evolution.

You can listen to the in-depth talk here.